How to make a conventional SEO article "Google-friendly"

Today, Google is the most widely used search engine. Websites having a lot of visitors, a lot of authority, and SEO-optimized content will always rank high in this search engine. So, how do SEO standard articles gain Google’s favor?

There are indeed a number of factors that go into making an article sympathetic to Google


Optimizing keywords for SEO articles

The first and most vital aspect of every SEO post is keywords. Even if the content seems to be of top quality, it will be tough to reach visitors without keywords. Similarly, without keyword research and optimization, the article will be impossible to exceed.

The articles that appear at the top of Google all contain the most commonly searched phrases. Because when users search, they frequently type a certain character or keyword, and the search engine will return results that are related.

As a result, keyword optimization is required for SEO articles to be compatible with this tool. Should choose the proper keywords, the search volume is high, the degree of competition is low, but with a good development direction, Google will pay attention in the long term.

Standard SEO articles with high-resolution photos and videos

Internal linking is an important feature to consider while writing SEO articles

Google’s system works in the same way as users, assessing and evaluating websites with a wide range of material. This huge man is unlikely to empathize with entire articles that are merely text with no graphics or videos.

Even the readers will become bored with an article that lacks graphics or videos, and it will be tough to keep them interested. Although brief, the information, when combined with descriptive photos or appealing videos, will provide numerous benefits to the website, boosting the visitor numbers.

Furthermore, in SEO article writing, this is an equally significant requirement. Images and videos aren’t just put into posts. Writers should optimize for Google in terms of filenames and search engine suggestions.

Make internal and external links that are user-friendly

Google will value videos and photos of optimized SEO posts

When a link to related content on the same website appears in an article, it allows readers to quickly access further information. When an article contains a link to another article on the same website, people are more likely to stay on the page, and Google appreciates it.

In favor of building internal connections, it’s critical to optimize the article’s URL. This search engine will prioritize articles with easy-to-read and easy-to-understand links and place them at the top. Beyond that, SEO articles will aid the website in eliciting sympathy for this colossus.